It appears that the bells are tolling, the organs are playing, and the funeral for MySpace may be imminent. Why is it that in three years this company went from being #1 on the internet to nearly becoming another member of the digital graveyard?
I believe MySpace was a social media pawn played by Microsoft and Google in an attempt to beat each other out with Facebook sitting in the middle benefitting handsomely from this crusade. Read the Tech Crunch article, “How MySpace Tom May Have Inadvertently Triggered The Google/Facebook War,” which supports my argument.
To return back on topic, MySpace used to be the place to be back in the heyday. I was persuaded to sign up for an account in the summer of 2004. Before going social, I kept my online friends limited mostly to my high school buddies and a popular music program forum.
The reason why MySpace lost ground was because it was nightmare to load pages and navigate. Users added several HTML and CSS modifications to their profiles that it essentially crashed internet browsers, not to mention the flashy backgrounds that made a disco party rather pleasant to view. When MySpace cleaned up their site and disabled many of their customizations, Facebook already beat them.
Not to knock them down, they did a great job courting musicians and major brands in a way that has been phenomenal. Plenty of bands promote and share their music through the site which they can incorporate visual aspects of their website into their MySpace page. Lately they have moved to “Social Entertainment” and leaving businesses to reach their customers using other forms of social media.
Has MySpace been edged out of social media stardom? Perhaps, especially if they have bowed to having a “Connect with Facebook” button on their front page.
Roger co-presented with Greg Koch on “The Benefits and Pitfalls of Social Networking Sites” at the Annual STC Summit in 2009 and a similarly titled presentation for the STC webinar series in September 2010. At the time, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn were the social networks to use.