What does technical communication have in common with art? A lot, but do they go hand-in-hand like two peas in a pod or like peanut butter and jelly?

Is it art or technical communication?
In the article, “Resolved: Technical Communication IS Art,” co-written with Wanda Phillips and published by TechWhirl, we argue that technical communication is an art. While these thoughts are, admittedly, positive and forward-thinking, we reinforce the idea that technical communication is a unique and dynamic art with historical and everyday examples.
In contrast to Yehoshua Paul’s article, “Resolved: Technical Communication is NOT art,” from the previous week that our profession is not an art, both Wanda and I share our own opinions that we believe technical communication is an art. While our line of work may not make it to the museum, it still is art.

Will TechComm make it as a display piece?
What was really neat about our article was we originally wrote our pieces separately and had the awesome task of merging it together as one uniform article. The result was a conversation piece between me and Wanda about how we believe TechComm combines together a variety of arts, such as graphics, visual and document design, content strategy, etc.
This article and many more are found at TechWhirl.com.