Look Forward to 2013

This year was quite an awesome year for my career and I look forward to advancing it further than I did in 2012.

Some notable items to mention which I thought were successful:

What was amazing about this year was seizing opportunities when they were available and pushing forward to open up new doors and avenues to succeed in the field of technical communication. To be quite honest, there are a lot of amazing people which I had the opportunity of meeting in Chicago and Portland.

On my personal side, I had a wonderful year from around May to December. I met a lot of awesome friends from the Albuquerque blues community. If you don’t know much about my private life–I love blues dancing and blues/alternative music.

Blues Dance in Albuquerque

Blues Dance in Albuquerque

As this year is nearly finished, I look forward to 2013 with very positive notes and think the best is still yet to come. If you are reading this, I sincerely hope you had a great 2012 and that your professional development and career advancement continues to surge forward–I definitely know mine is.

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