Summit@Click 2014

STC 2014 Summit@Click Presentations

  • Did you miss the Society for Technical Communication Summit in 2014?
  • Were you double-booked for sessions you wanted to attend?
  • Did you spend time socializing at the Expo Hall instead of attending sessions?
  • Were you somewhere else instead of STC Summit?
Summit@Click 2014

STC Summit@Click 2014

Don’t worry! STC has you covered and has been for a few years now. STC Summit attendees can access Summit@Click as part of attending the conference. Summit@Click is a website that contains most session recordings, with exception of progressions and some sessions. What I love about Summit@Click is that I can review the recorded sessions and catch the details I missed. It is a wonderful benefit to have recordings for most sessions.

If you were unable to attend this year’s Summit, you can convince your boss to purchase a pass to view all the recorded sessions. Using Summit@Click is definitely more affordable than travel, lodging, and per-diem for conferences. STC members can purchase access for $199, non-members for $499. (The high cost is definitely an incentive to become a Society member and receive the member price and take advantage of other STC benefits.)

Visit the Summit@Click for Society for Technical Communication 2014 Annual Summit site to view recorded sessions.

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