Grab a pen and paper and take a break from the computer



When was the last time you sat down and took the time to handwrite a letter or sketch something on paper? For me, it has been a few years. Why would I suggest to ditch the computer, a rather useful tool used by modern technical communicators, for a piece of paper and a pen? A couple months ago I received a hand written card and it got me thinking.

I was surprised by the letter because I haven’t received mail correspondence in a long time. It takes longer and more effort to write one instead of sending an email or a text message. In return, I wrote back a letter. For me, it was awesome to do something different, traditional, and simple. Plus you support the post office!

It fees good to write!

It fees good to write!

The effort to write something by hand has been mostly replaced by computers. The typical way of sending and receiving information is by text. Whatever happened to writing by hand on a sheet of paper? Have we become used to looking at digital screens and developed an aversion to pen and paper? Typing and most especially texting is very sanitized, standardized, and boring. There are advantages to technology because you can replicate the text easily, move it around, and read it quickly. So what’s the big deal? I feel that there seems to be no emotion or style when it comes to  reading text on a digital screen or printed out. On the other side of the equation, reading a handwritten note or hearing someone in person is definitely better and more human.

Another nuance of digital technology is the analog of drawing tools and their limitations. For example, a colleague and I were working on developing some flyers and she made the comment that she wished she were in the office or same location instead of teleworking in order to sketch out designs before we started on InDesign. True, that would take us away from the computer, but it would have been faster instead of sketching out a quick layout in Word first.

Lately, we should look at how effective communication should be via technology. Would it be better to email someone or call them instead of instant messaging them? What about texting or video chat? These new forms of communication are great and convenient, but at what cost is this impairing genuine interpersonal communication or what feelings you get from receiving a handwritten note?

After the day is done at work, stop the electronic noise, sit down, grab a pen, some sheets of paper, and write!

Try it soon!

Try it soon!

Summer Break

Hi everyone, I took a summer break from my website and blog to focus on enjoying the summer and free time. Now it’s close to winter and I’d like to share with everyone what I have been up to since then.


After returning from the STC 2013 Summit, my office moved to my house. This was the start of full-time teleworking.


The weather was brutal outside with temperatures rising to 105-degrees Fahrenheit. My plants loved it, only if they survived the dry heat.


At the end of July, my friend and I relaunched Many know that I love blues music and dance to blues. We reworked the layout, design, and added new features.


Roasted outside and enjoyed the peak of summer.


Traveled to Dallas with dance friends and visited long-time friends in Minneapolis. Went to Denver, Paonia, and Carbondale, CO for camping with a bunch of dance friends.


Attended LavaCon Conference on Content Strategy in Portland, OR. Currently assisting to define a unified content strategy.


Presented a webinar for the STC Community Affairs Committee on upgrading websites and communication systems. Planning to travel to Portland, OR with dance friends.

I will have blog posts soon on social media, websites, technical documentation, and more.

STC 2013 Summit Wrap-Up

Did you miss my progression presentations? Or did you lose my handout that I gave you? Not to worry! I have you covered. I’ll give you a second chance to keep a copy and share it with everyone else!

STC 2013 Leadership Day Progressions

STC 2013 Leadership Day Progressions (Photo: Rick Lippincott)

For those who were unable to make it to either Leadership Day or the Professional Development progressions at the STC 60th Annual Summit, you missed out! Not to worry, you can find my slides and handouts on my SlideShare page.

Leadership Day: Social Media, Websites, Wikis, and Email



Related material for websites: Evolution of a Website Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

Professional Development Progression: Carpe Opportunitas! Seize the “Professional Development” Opportunity.



Leadership Day was awesome!

I really enjoyed presenting this year, it was a lot of fun. I especially liked working with Viqui Dill on the Leadership Day progression. If you are a STC community leader and need help with websites, such as WordPress, I can assist you with setting up the basics to get you started. If you know of anyone who needs help with a basic WordPress site, I can assist with my professional services as well. I highly recommend spending the extra $20 to attend Leadership Day if you are a leader of a community. You definitely get your money’s worth in coffee, tea, and valuable knowledge that you can take home to improve your group!

More coverage of STC Leadership Day on Lanyrd.

For more coverage of STC, check out

I look forward to seeing everyone soon, whether it will be later this year at LavaCon or STC 2014 in Phoenix.