If you ever want to get noticed on LinkedIn, having a profile picture would help you out. In the last year, colleagues I know by name are connecting with me on the professional social networking site but have not uploaded a profile picture.

It’s great to see colleagues use LinkedIn to network professionally, yet a profile picture would help.
How am I supposed to verify that the person I’m connecting with professionally is really who they say they are? I can’t…
One way to make sure you can be easily identified on LinkedIn is to add your profile picture. Your photo does not have to be snazzy, but it can be casual to professional looking. Realistically, a photo is better than nothing! However, avoid LinkedIn profile photos that detract recruiters and colleagues–remember this isn’t college, Facebook, or…gasp…MySpace.
Don’t be shy…
You can have a simple headshot of yourself in a blouse or dress shirt on a plain background for starters. It should reflect your professional personality. For example, I have a good headshot for LinkedIn, Twitter, and my website. It may not look completely professional, but it is a good and consistent photo of me in a casual manner that establishes my brand and anyone can find me easily.
Final Thoughts
Using a photo with your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles will make it easy for you to be visible among thousands of other professionals. It also establishes your personality among your colleagues. It is often great practice to have a picture with your profile so colleagues can find with you on LinkedIn. If you need some help, check out these five tips for a successful LinkedIn profile picture. Even LinkedIn says that a more complete profile with a picture of yourself can create and reinforce your online brand.
Again, don’t be shy–upload your picture!