I have traveled so much this spring that everything between March and April are a huge blur in memory, photos, Facebook posts, and Tweets. This year is going to be the year that I go on my conference presentation run and, quoting Todd DeLuca, “get my presentation legs.”
Many thanks go to the organizers and volunteers of the STC Rochester – Spectrum 2014 Conference. Their planning and dedication made this event a nice full-stop mini conference. Both John Lukes and Bobbi Werner, conference co-chairs, did a great job organizing everything. From Leadership Day, Keynote Speech, and Lightning Talks, I had a great time attending sessions and networking with as many professionals as possible. I will talk about the rest of the conference in a later post.
I was happy to present three times during Spectrum. The venue for Spectrum is on the wonderful Rochester Institute of Technology campus. Next time I return, I will take time to venture the campus when it’s not raining or snowing. 🙂
For Leadership Day, I presented on “Leveraging Social Media to Advance Your Organization,” which is a slight off-shoot from my co-presented webinar and progression from last year with Viqui Dill. I move away from my original presentation from 2009 which introduced people to social media, now I’m introducing people to social media as an extension of an organization’s website. In addition, I show how to use social media effectively and nearly automatically to promote an organization’s website. I explain the similarities to the Hub and Spoke distribution method, where the website is the hub and all the social channels are the spokes.

Roger presenting the hub and spoke analogy for websites and social media. Photo: David Caruso
During the first day of Spectrum, there was an inside joke (and here) about the Niagara Escarpment–which was supposedly started by Ben Woelk and then continued by Bernard Aschwanden, and myself. According to a few colleagues, they like the word “escarpment.” In my view, it’s a geology term which I know from my undergraduate days (note: I was only one semester away from a minor in Earth Science, but instead I minored in Spanish Studies and History). A few other presenters mentioned it in their sessions too, even created a QR code for it.
Lastly, I want to thank Ben Woelk for inviting me to present during this year’s Leadership Day. I really enjoyed the variety of talks during the first day, ranging from discussing ideas, planning for an organization, volunteering challenges, and conflict resolution. I also felt quite comfortable presenting because I’ve been around many of these colleagues before.
I’ll write more about my insight about attending STC Spectrum 2014 in a later post.
Below is my presentation and handout from Leadership Day.