Tag Archives: LinkedIn

Connecting after STC Summit

What I regret the most about previous STC Summits is that I would receive business cards from professionals but I forgot why or how I met them. This year was different, I made it my personal effort to remember why I had their business card in my pocket. The best way I could remember who each person was because I took notes on the back-side of their card. That was just half the work.

The next job I had was to make room on my schedule to sit down and reflect on my time with them at the conference. Thankfully those notes on the reverse side essentially jogged my memory well enough to replay events in my mind so that way I could email them or connect with them through Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. I’m sorry for those in which I failed to remember why I have your card, but I genuinely do not want to forget about you. I’ll do some hunting on the STC Zerista and MySTC websites to figure out why and/or how I met you. In any case, find me first if you can!

Additionally, I connected with professionals via my online presence at the Summit. Each one found me from my Twitter updates and subsequently found my LinkedIn profile or searched for me on MySTC. I gave away business cards this year with my email address and websites. Thanks to Tony Chung, I was able to create a QR code and place that on my business card. Anyone with a smartphone can read my QR code and add my contact information easily.

I had a great time at the conference and I look forward to adding more professionals on LinkedIn and Twitter as everyone settles down and returns back to work. I hope to stay in touch with as many as possible throughout the year until we meet again in 2012 in Chicago.